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The Maes Family

The Maes Mattress Ticking family business is supported by a warm-hearted family with passion and respect for the profession. Read the story about manager Jef Maes and his children.

Masters in Mattress Ticking

The innovative family business Maes Mattress Ticking has been a master in the design and production of quality mattress tickings since 1926. Father Jef Maes is the head of the company and is supported in this by his children Thibaut and Aurélie. They each have the passion for the job in their genes.

The Maes family is a warm family that cares about the people with whom they work. A personal approach is essential in every aspect of the business operations, whether it concerns contact with customers, employees, or suppliers. The company's passionate employees are also part of the large Maes family. The horizontal structure and the family atmosphere, which is so typical of Maes, mean that the employees are closely involved in the daily management. It also means that Maes runs a business in a successful and respectful manner and guarantees today's and tomorrow's successes as one large family.

"We guarantee 100% Belgian top quality"

Jef Maes, Chairman


"Doing business with respect for nature, people and products"

Aurélie Maes, CEO


"Continued innovation is in our blood"

Thibaut Maes, COO